Expertise includes among others:

  • Cloud Engineering and Data Platform Architecture: Designed and implemented Cloud Data Platform architectures at multiple clients, including a large Dutch comparison website with over a million users.
  • Computer Vision in Manufacturing: Designed and implemented real-time error detection system in fabric production. This included the set-up of an on-prem Kubernetes cluster and message-oriented architecture for real-time error detection and analysis.
  • Marketplaces & Recommenders: Built recommendation system including MLOps infrastructure for media company operating in over 130 markets and with over 10 million users

Background: 5+ years working experience as ML Engineer in Logistics, Manufacturing and E-commerce, with a focus on architecture and MLOps. MSc in Data Science and Entrepreneurship from Eindhoven University of Technology and Tilburg University.

Why Enjins? “At Enjins, we really internalize what it takes to build complete Machine Learning solutions. This obviously goes beyond just training a good model. When discussing Machine Learning challenges with my colleagues, we can get equally excited by a nicely designed MLOps pipeline or Data Platform as we are about state-of-the-art Deep Learning papers. In the end, the best model is the one you are actually using in production.”