Building AI Solutions with you

Our track record of collaborating with +100 tech companies to help them realize impactful AI solutions enables us to steer your AI efforts in the right direction. Depending on your organization’s maturity, we prioritize, blueprint, and develop AI use cases, along with the underlying data infrastructure and ML operations.

For Start-Ups

In greenfield startup settings we help you to:

1) Determine which AI use cases should be prioritized

2) Distill the requirements for your modern data stack based on the use cases

3) Setup your data platform and go live with the first use case

For Scale-Ups

For scale-ups and companies with a more mature data organisation: 

1) Start with the AI audit to determine your as-is-situation

2) Speed-up development of high-value use cases together with your data team

3) While improving the setup of your MLOps

For Grown-Ups

We collaborate with in-house data teams at larger tech companies to:

1) Assist you with complex MLOps design decisions

2) Accelerate development of data & AI use cases

3) Provide guidance & hands-on support for delivery of large data platforms

Our Expertise

Building end-to-end AI & ML solutions requires knowledge from ideation to development and deployment. This is the expertise that we bring in.

  • AI Strategy

  • Data Architecture

  • MLOps

  • Cloud Engineering

  • ML Model Development

  • LLM Development

AI Strategy

AI Strategy

The AI audit is our starting point for new customers. Based on your business strategy, we determine an actionable data & AI roadmap. This includes use case prioritization and blueprinting the data infrastructure & MLOps.

Our AI strategy expertise includes:

  • Use case discovery and impact/feasibility assessment
  • Data platform & MLOps blueprint
  • AI Roadmap and detailed 3-month development backlog

Business Value: The AI audit provides an actionplan that ensures balance between short term business value and long term scalability. Investing in AI only makes sense if it’s done based on a decent and detailed plan.

Data Architecture

Data Architecture

Design and development of secure and modern data infrastructures, tailored to realize AI succes. Translating requirements to optimized data platforms for collecting, storing and organizing large volumes of structured and unstructured data.

Our data architecture expertise includes:

  • Choosing your modern data stack: translating use case requirements to the right data & AI stack
  • Setup of your new data architecture: setup and integration of your new and modern data stack
  • Data modelling and ingestion: realizing a scalable data model as foundation for data & AI use cases

Business Value: A well configured and modern data stack is the foundation for any AI success.



Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) is all about building ML and AI models rapidly, responsibly and reliably. Determining the right setup of your MLOps stack is key to ensure a process that allows multiple team members to collaborate on models.

Our MLOps expertise includes:

  • Translating use case requirements into a best-of-breed MLOps stack
  • Configuration and setup of MLOps stack to experiment, deploy and monitor models
  • Guidance and training of your data scientists and engineers in MLOps best practices

Business Value: A well designed MLOps reduces time to market of your AI use case and is needed to monitor any large-scale AI system.

Cloud Engineering

Cloud Engineering

Large scale AI systems and data platforms are typically cloud based. We design and develop cloud-based infrastructure related to the AI system.

Our cloud engineering expertise includes:

  • Configuration of cloud-based infrastructure in which the data & AI stack are deployed.
  • Delivery of the stack and AI system with infrastructure as code (IaC) templates.
  • Continous integration and continous delivery (CI/CD).

Business Value: Ensuring secure and well engineered AI systems, within your cloud infrastructure.

ML Model Development

ML Model Development

With the rapid growth of available open source ML and AI packages, well thought AI system design and modelling approach becomes key. We link our use case knowledge to the challenge at hand to come up with the right design of your modelling pipeline.

Our model development expertise includes:

  • AI system design: determining the components that together solve the modelling challenge
  • Model experiment strategy: determine order in which model experiments are executed
  • Model training: executing model experiments and testing different model architectures

Business Value: Bringing in our use case knowledge to realize the overall design of the AI system, often including multiple model steps.

LLM Development

LLM Development

Large Language Models (LLM) are pre-trained on vast amounts of data. We help customers with the operational, procedural and technical obstacles surrounding LLMs and GenAI.

Our LLM development expertise includes:

  • LLMOps tooling selection: help you to navigate the exploding field of LLM tools
  • Configuration of LLMOps setup: realize a setup to experiment and deploy LLMs
  • Productionize LLM systems: design and deployment of LLM based solutions

Business Value: Leverage our LLMOps knowledge to be able to quickly deploy and test GenAI use cases in a real world setting.

Our Approach: Audit, Develop & Partner

AI Audit

Strategize AI development in 3-4 weeks

We evaluate your organization’s data maturity, offer strategic advice on AI initiatives, identify use cases, and assess their impact and feasibility. The standard modules include future-proof infrastructure blueprints and a data & AI roadmap as main deliverables. Deep dive modules provide detailed assessments of strengths and weaknesses in the data organization.

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Develop infrastructure & use cases in 3-6 months

In development projects, we build and deploy the highest prioritised use cases for your company on top of a best-of-breed data & AI platform. To accelerate delivery, we work closely with your in-house team, ensuring they can maintain the infrastructure once our work is complete. With an engineering mindset, we move past proof of concept and ensure deployment and integration of the AI solutions.

View our cases


Constantly enhancing your business with data & AI

In a partnership, we help you scale your AI use cases, build your team, and advance MLOps and DataOps to maturity, thereby transforming AI into a game-changer for your company. We work closely with your team, complementing your in-house capabilities with our expert knowledge.

View our cases

AI Audit

The Enjins AI audit evaluates the maturity of your data organization by assessing strengths, weaknesses, risks & opportunities. It concretizes your data and AI strategy by creating a clear plan tailored to your company’s ambitions, identified use cases, and the capabilities of your data team.

Tech Modules

AI & Algorithms

Assessment of existing algorithms and AI models, and in-depth code review.

Infrastructure & Data

Assessment of cloud & data infrastructure, tech stack, and data quality.

AI Operations

Assessment of deployment, management, and maintenance of AI systems.

Business Modules

Use Cases

In depth impact & feasibility study, for 2-4 different AI use cases.

Team & AI capabilities

Assessment of current data team and future needed AI capabilities.


High-level 24-month roadmap and 6- month detailed development plan.