We are driven by impact, and so is our vision on Machine Learning. We don’t want a data scientists’ laptop to be a graveyard for brilliant models. That’s why we use these four principles to actually implement Machine Learning that realises business value.
Our vision on Machine Learning
Our story
The journey of Enjins itself started in 2018 but the ideas that were the fundament for Enjins were shaped over many years and projects before. We saw the growing need for a company that did not just create data science models but that realizes lasting Machine Learning solutions with business impact.
Enjins is founded
The journey starts in the basement of this beautiful building, with our first scale-up customers in Amsterdam.
Bijlmer becomes the new home of Enjins
Close to both Utrecht CS and Amsterdam CS, Bijlmer seems to be the ideal place to attract ML engineering talents.
Deeploy is launched
Deeploy evolved from a project and is a manageable and explainable AI tool.
Moving offices to Utrecht
On 1st March we moved to a brand new office in the old city centre of Utrecht. More room for a bigger team!
Our second hub in Berlin
The Merantix AI Campus is known as Europe's Hub for AI and became home to our second Hub in Germany.
Our new Management Team
As we opened our second hub in Berlin, we decided to establish a new Management Team for our Utrecht Hub.